Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kellan's Second Hair Cut

By now, most of my friends and family have seen/are used to Kellan's hair cut that he got while on this trip.  However, since it was a big hair cut, I felt the need to document it on my blog! 
 What I asked for: "a trim with very little off of the bangs."  We plied K with Skittles to keep him happy...
What we got was a essentially a buzz cut with scissors.  My heart sank and my stomach felt queasy when I realized what was happening and all of those beautiful blonde locks were scattered all over the floor.  By the time she went in to take what I though would be "very little" off of his bangs it was too late.  In one haircut, it seemed my little baby had grown up...
 But he was still handsome as ever!  And happy as ever!
He was confident as ever, too.  At the restaurant, he was flirting with that little girl in the background all throughout dinner.

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