Monday, December 5, 2011

Start Me Up; I'll Never Stop

"Start Me Up" - The Rolling Stones

After watching this video of Mick Jagger, I can clearly see where Rachel and I got the dance moves our family has the pleasure of watching on our home videos from the 80's.  A five-year-old dancing like this just makes more sense to me than a grown man in a tight, purple V-neck T and white...are those parachute pants?  Oh Mick, how do you do it?  So awesome.

Kellan often gets a second wind after dinner...  He loves to play chase, which is great, because Daddy and Nana love to chase him.  He runs across the living room to the baby gate, and then waits excitedly for someone to come get him.  But you have to be careful, because once he gets started, he doesn't stop.

As with most things K likes to do, he doesn't like to stop playing this game even after being chased many, many, many times.  So this game usually ends with the adults collapsed on the floor, exhausted.  Nana has to remind Kellan that, "The old gray mare just ain't what she used to be."  You can't make this stuff up.

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