Monday, December 5, 2011

I can tell that we are gonna be friends...

"I Can Tell That We Are Gonna Be Friends" - The White Stripes

Today Kellan and I had the pleasure of visiting the Scoville's.  Natalie Scoville and I have been friends for over twenty years.  (You're right, we are getting old, Nat!)  Her adorable kiddos, Ethan (almost 1) and Ella (almost 3), met K for the first time today.  I would say it was a success.  

K was great on the hour-plus car ride to Oklahoma City for our visit.  I was hoping he would take a nap, but he didn't.  So he was sleepy, but pleasant, most of the afternoon.  Though pleasant, he wasn't the smiley, loud, talkative little K I am used to.  He was very serious about exploring his surroundings...

He was also very serious about eating.  I can promise you that what he lacked in charisma he made up for in gluttony.  I think he ate his weight in food today.  I honestly couldn't believe it.  A piece of string cheese, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, two fruit ropes, animal crackers, dried cranberries, a cup of yogurt, a Z bar and a ridiculous amount of Cheez-Its - all over the span of two or three hours.  I don't even want to know how many Cheez-Its he ate.  You will notice that a common theme in many of the pictures below with K in them is that he seems to be looking for food.  I am sure Natalie thinks that I starve this poor child.

 K and Ella in the kitchen.  Note: K is eating Cheez-Its out of that bowl Ella is holding.

 Ella preparing imaginary food for her doll.  He can't see it - doesn't know what it is - but K knows he wants some of that imaginary food.

Ella briefly abandoned her Cheez-Its and K made his move.  I think Ella asked for a new bowl after this because, who wants to eat Cheez-Its with baby slobber on them?

 K took a break from eating to examine Ella's doll with her.  So cute!  :-)

 Handsome little Ethan and his pretty Mama.

 The beautiful Miss Ella.

 Say "Cheez-It!"

 Hanging out with Mommy

 K checking out Ethan...

I can tell that we are gonna be friends...

Can't wait to do it again next Monday! 

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