Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thanks a lot, Pinterest.

"Crazy Train" by Ozzy Ozbourne

When Matt came home from a trip a week ago, I will admit I was a little frazzled.  I explained to him that I was behind on my to-do list after being sick.  He asked what all was on my to-do list so I gave him a run down my plans for gifts, meals, etc. this holiday season.  After a moment of silence, Matt informed me that I was on what we are now affectionately calling "the crazy train."

My explanation for taking this ride on the Christmas crazy train is: too much Pinterest.  This year, because of Pinterest, I was inspired and decided to get crafty by creating a plethora of homemade gifts.  Then I decided that I would be wrapping all of my gifts as cutely as possible.  Then I decided to send out 100 Christmas cards with holiday address labels.  Then I decided to do a little ditty called "The 12 Days of Cookies" where I make a batch of cookies every day for the twelve days leading up to Christmas.  (Insert: laughter that slowly turns into crying.)

I know what you're thinking. "Becca, you've clearly put too much on your plate and don't really have to do any of these things.  There is an easy solution to this: just don't do all of it."  And you would be right.  But, I am going to press on, because if I can pull it off, I am going to give myself a promotion.  I knew there were potentially negative consequences to me quitting my job outside of the home and essentially working for myself.  As it turns out, I am an overbearing, relentless, slave-driver of a boss.  But I'm not going to let her down.

Fortunately, I otherwise work with a great team here at the Matt and Rebecca Jones Family.  And they help me remember what's really important...

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