Sunday, December 18, 2011

Santa Claus needs to get out of town, if you ask Kellan.

I want to share our lovely experience with Santa at Utica Square here in Tulsa.  And by lovely, I mean traumatic and terrifying.  I hesitate to post these pictures because I feel so bad for K.  We were hoping he might warm up to Santa.  Not so.  He did end up warming up to a gingerbread cookie, though, which allowed us to get our Christmas card shot.

Kellan, meet Santa.

Initial rejection.

Pensive consideration.


Distracted by jingle bells.

Second, more passionate rejection.

Growing hatred.  Look at them laughing maniacally.  Disgusting!

Thank you.  I am scarred for life.

Start saving up, this is going to cost you thousands of dollars in therapy, Dad.

Even Santa is upset.

Cookie and Mommy to the rescue!  Poor K.  He earned it.

All is well once Kellan escapes Santa's workshop of horrors.
He then moves on to his favorite past time: pointing at cars and grunting.  He is seriously obsessed.

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