Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sticky Figures

While this activity didn't keep K's attention too long the first go-round, I think it is a creative idea that other cave-kids might like.

Sticky Figures, from "The Toddler's Busy Book"


Flat piece of wood (I used a mat board)
Adhesive velcro pieces
Small figures - animals, dinosaurs, etc.

Adhere velcro onto flat piece of wood or mat board.  Adhere pieces of velcro to the bottom of small figures.  Cave-kid can amuse him/herself by sticking and unsticking the figures on the board or wood.  I also let K use strips of velcro to play with as well. 

I did this in a somewhat uncontrolled environment, but it might be better done in the high chair.  Maybe someday K will be more interested in it...  I think velcro could be a great component in lots of fun kids activities.  Has anyone else tried other activities with velcro to entertain their kiddos?

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