Friday, November 11, 2011

Don't Quit Your Day Job?

After a leisurely, beautiful fall morning of breakfast, sipping coffee and following K as he explored outdoors, then a great workout ( P90X Plyometrics ) during K's nap, I posted on Facebook, "I heart being a stay-at-home mom".  This is what happened after that.

12:00 p.m. - K wakes up early from his nap (before I have a chance to shower).  We have a nice lunch.

12:30 p.m. - K finishes lunch and promptly smacks into a low, built-in desk in my parent's kitchen.  (We are in the process of baby-proofing here).  I make a note to buy pads for corners like this and then duct tape a folded dish towel to the corner as a temporary solution.  (Later that day when my mom got home she said a co-worker suggested taping diapers to sharp corners to baby proof.  Really?  Did I mention my mom works in Muskogee?  There is a reason you haven't heard of it.)

1:00 p.m. - K takes a shower with me.  He has a great time splashing and playing with his toys.

1:30 p.m - I wrestle K to dress him for roughly ten minutes while he kicks and screams.  He hadn't accounted for time to get dressed in his schedule and having to do it just threw off his whole day.  I was literally out of breath when we finished.

1:30 - 2:30 p.m. - I try to continue to get dressed and put on make-up in an un-childproofed house, which means I cannot do any one thing for more that about 5 seconds without K finding a toxic chemical or nearly falling down the stairs.

2:30 p.m. - I am finally ready to go out to run a few errands.  I turn to see what K is up to and find he has his entire right arm in the toilet.  As I run toward him in what seems like slow motion saying, "Noooooo!", he then sticks his right hand in his mouth.  (Mental note: add toilet lock to shopping list)

2:35 p.m. - Change K's clothes again and thoroughly wash his right arm.

2:45 p.m. - Go downstairs to clean up living room, still hoping to run some errands at some point.  K slips out the dog door (he has already taken his shoes and socks off) and as I open the door to bring him inside, my heart sinks as he begins to cry and I am sure he has stepped on something.  As I am walking over to pick him up, my parents' jovial fool of a dog, Zoe, plows right into K, knocking him into a pile of leaves.  When I pick him up, he is covered in tiny bits of leaves and I realize his toe is bleeding.  I run inside to wash it off in the bathroom sink.  As soon as we hit the sink, he stops crying and immediately starts throwing everything off of the counter that he can reach.  Tiny bits of the crunchy leaves he fell in are going everywhere.

3:00 p.m. - Locate some anti-bacterial ointment and Band-Aids and get K cleaned up.  Then I ask him if he wants some milk, and he blankly stares at me, which I know means, "Yes."  I collapse on the couch and he and Zoe snuggle.

We didn't end up running any errands that day, but a couple hours later we did make it over to LaFortune Park for a nice three mile walk with mom.  And I got to have Ted's (tex Mex deliciousness) for dinner with my lovely cousin Lisa.  K had a much better rest of the day as well, though he tells me he will not be submitting a nomination for "Mother of the Year" for me just yet.

Needless to say, today I am headed to Babies R Us to buy more baby gates, toilet locks and corner pads (I will be passing on the resourceful diaper suggestion).  I will also be guarding the dog door with much more vigilance.

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