Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Seller's Thanksgiving

Every year, Mom's sister Tam hosts Thanksgiving at her house.  This year, Tam and Matt made the turkey, I made mashed potatoes and fresh cranberry sauce, Tam made the world famous Sellers gravy and stuffing, Mom made frozen fruit salad and my aunt Sudey made some delicious pies.  There were appetizers, too - cornichons (olives), a ridiculously good cheesy, meaty Rotel dip, along with various chesses and crackers.  And, of course, copious amounts of beer and wine.  It was pretty awesome.  I wish I would've taken more pictures of the food, but I was too busy eating it.

Kellan really enjoyed his meal, but I think the frozen fruit salad was his favorite (of course).  Once I gave it to him he refused to eat anything else.

Open wide!

K had fun spending time with the fam.  He gave Great-Aunt Tammy lots of loves and even gave Aunt Lisa (I prefer "Aunt Lisa" to "First-Cousin-Once-Removed Lisa") a kiss!

 I left him in the care of Aunt Lisa, Aunt Rachel and Uncle Blake and they promptly began to set a terrible example for him. *Sigh*  Thanks, Guys.

We tried a few times to get a family photo, but someone wasn't interested in holding still for longer than about a millisecond.  We realize he doesn't have pants on.  It was more work that we were interested in at that point.  We got a couple of good shots, but no keepers for the holiday card...

Aside from the indigestion I suffered for the next 24 hours, it was a marvelous Thanksgiving.

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