Saturday, November 26, 2011

Run, Kellan! Run!

As I was scrolling through these pictures of K running, I immediately thought of the "Chariots of Fire" theme song.  I decided to put the song on this post and did a YouTube search for it.  I cannot tell you how many people have recorded themselves either a.) running towards a camera to this song or b.) dramatically and seriously playing this song on an electric keyboard/synthesizer.

After wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes that resulted from watching these videos, I realized how unoriginal my initial idea was.  So I promptly sat down with Kellan at his tiny Melissa and Doug piano and got to work teaching him how to play the song, which I thought would make for a much funnier video.  Unfortunately, K only prefers playing the classics, and scoffed at the idea of learning such a cliche and overplayed song.  At that point, Daddy came over and started playing Axel F, the theme song from Beverly Hills Cop for the five millionth time and I resigned myself to going through with my original idea.

The day before Thanksgiving was beautiful here.  Highs in the 60's and mostly sunny.  Matt, K and I spent some time exploring the front yard.

K practiced his new-found preferred mode of transportation: running.

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